Three German architects are branching out into what they call "building botany, " the process of grafting trees together into building structures. They start with numerous individual trees connected through grafts and supported by a scaffold. Eventually the scaffold will be removed, most of the roots will be cut off, and at that point, according to Ferdinand Ludwig, one of the architects, "the trees will finally have merged into a single organism."
"In our opinion trees are high-tech material, which is why plant growth is part of our vision," says Ludwig's teammate Schwertfeger. "We start them off but the tree itself continues the building process," Ludwig adds. "In architectural terms it's very risky -- but it's a positive risk."
There are unanticipated challenges with this approach. Trees are naturally capable of forming two-dimensional structures. As Ludwig puts it, "a tree doesn't want to become a wall."
Also,Ludwig says the tree structure requires meticulous maintenance "or else everything turns back into shrubbery."
The architects are doing a series of experiments with willow saplings that have concrete weights suspended from them. Four times a day, a computer-controlled winch system uses the weights to rock the trees back and forth. Apparently, when tree are lashed to a frame, they have no reason to develop their own strength, so the experiements are aimed at overcoming this problem.
Eventually, the architects are planning to complete a 120 square metre pavilion and concert hall in downtown Stuttgart.
Posted by Paul Rivers, 9:09pm December 8th, 2010
Bethge, Philip. "New Branch of Architecture: Grow Your Own Skyscraper - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International." SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten.,1518,636716,00.html (accessed December 8, 2010).
Cavale, Jaiyant. "Botany Building: Where the Structure Grows with a Tree | Trends Updates." Trends Updates - Gadgets, Fashion, Automobile, Environment. (accessed December 8, 2010).
"Organic Architecture: Living Tree Building Designs & Ideas « Dornob." Dornob | Modern Home, Interior & Furniture Designs & DIY Ideas. (accessed December 8, 2010).
db, andrea. "grow your own architecture." designboom. (accessed December 8, 2010).
Sorry, typo in this. s/b "trees are NOT naturally capable of forming two-dimensional structures."